Double marker test in pregnancy

the significance of the Double Marker Test in pregnancy. Learn how this non-invasive screening assesses the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, providing early insights into fetal health.

double marker test in pregnancy

What is double marker test in pregnancy

The mother’s blood is examined in the Double Marker Test to check it for any baby health issues and this ensues harmlessly. Genetic issues in the baby are detected by this double marker test

Purpose of double marker test in pregnancy

The Double Marker Test – created to spot possible baby problems like Down syndrome early – is often done when the mom could have risk factors like being older or having had baby problems before, and this test was made to help babies because doctors need to know how to care for them best..

Edward Syndrome:

Trisomy 18 causes Edward syndrome, marked by an extra copy of chromosome 18. This condition can significantly impact mental health, leading to developmental disorders and various verbal challenges. It’s crucial to understand that the Double Marker Test doesn’t directly identify or diagnose mental health, developmental, or verbal issues associated with these syndromes. Instead, it serves the purpose of assessing the potential risk of these conditions in the developing fetus.

Down Syndrome:

Characterized by an additional copy of chromosome 21, Down syndrome presents cognitive, behavioral, and medical complexities. The Double Marker Test plays a role in evaluating the risk of Down syndrome during pregnancy by analyzing specific markers in the mother’s blood. However, it doesn’t provide insights into the baby’s physical traits, such as muscle mass, skin development, or neck length. In instances where abnormalities are noted in the test, healthcare professionals may recommend further tests or ultrasounds for a more comprehensive assessment.

double marker test in pregnancy

Right timing for double marker test in pregnancy

When talking about the Double Marker Test, it is usually suggested to have it done in the time between when a person has been pregnant for 8 and 14 weeks; this is to give correct answers about the baby’s chromosomes and to know if more tests or quick action are needed, the test should be within this period for good result.

double marker test procedure in pregnancy

A small amount of blood needs to be taken from the mother who is expecting, usually when she’s between her 8th and 14th weeks of being pregnant – that small amount of blood is then used to look at some special health markers in her blood.

double marker test in pregnancy cost

Normal values for double marker test in pregnancy

The Double Marker Test normal values for hCG in pregnant women lie within the range of 25,700 to 2,88,000 mIU/mL and indicate the fetus is healthy.

Components of Double Marker Test

A. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG):

Role in Pregnancy:

hCG – it comes from the placenta after an egg sticks to the womb. This special hormone helps to keep an important muscle, the corpus luteum, working hard at the start of a baby growing inside you. By this happening, the progesterone hormone that really needs to be there to help the place where the baby is growing stay healthy and strong is released- even until a new part later can do that job through the whole time a baby is becoming ready to be born. Isn’t it amazing how our bodies work to protect babies even before we can see them!

Almost like magic, I think nature takes great care of tiny new life! We need the corpus luteum – because it keeps the baby cozy.

double marker test in pregnancy

Significance in the Test:

In the context of the Double Marker Test, measuring the levels of hCG in maternal blood serves as a crucial marker. Abnormal levels of hCG can indicate potential issues, including chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome. Deviations from the expected range can trigger further investigations, contributing to a comprehensive assessment of the fetus’s health.

B. Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A):

Role in Pregnancy:

Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) is an enzyme produced by the placenta during early pregnancy. Its primary role is to facilitate the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining and support the growth of the placenta. PAPP-A is essential for the proper development of the placenta, ensuring optimal nutrient and oxygen exchange between the maternal blood and the developing fetus. Adequate levels of PAPP-A are associated with a healthy pregnancy.

Significance in the Test:

In the Double Marker Test, the amount of PAPP-A found in mom’s blood is measured along with hCG, and if the amounts aren’t normal, it might mean there’s a risk of something not right with the chromosomes or other issues, you know? We find out what’s happening when the results aren’t what they should be; then doctors do different ways to test mom and baby. If the levels are off, they might need to do more checks to see how the pregnancy is going.

Double Marker Test Benefits and Limitations

A.Benefits of Double Marker Test:

Early Detection of Abnormalities:

One of the primary benefits of the Double Marker Test is its capability to detect potential chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, at an early stage of pregnancy.

Early detection allows for timely interventions, further diagnostic testing, and the initiation of appropriate medical care if needed.

Providing this information in the early stages of pregnancy empowers expectant parents with more time to make informed decisions and prepare for any potential challenges.

Informed Decision Making:

When the results of the Double Marker Test are shared with soon-to-be parents, by them, a choice searching for more suitable checks to make sure about everything is understood can be thought over, or getting ready themselves for a life supporting a special needs child could start; all informed by these results. Do we consider all the ways a child with special needs will change our life?

B. Limitations of Double Marker Test:

False Positives and Negatives:

The Double Marker Test, like any screening test, is not infallible. It can produce false-positive or false-negative results. A positive result does not confirm a chromosomal abnormality but indicates an increased risk, necessitating further diagnostic tests for confirmation. Conversely, a negative result does not guarantee the absence of abnormalities, so additional testing may be required if there are other risk factors or concerns.

Limited Scope of Detection:

The Double Marker Test, known for finding some faulty chromosomes, can’t spot every genetic issue; it’s mostly for seeing signs of Down syndrome; many other rare conditions it might miss could only start showing then or after the baby is born. Just ’cause it looks normal—I breathe a sigh of relief—it doesn’t mean everything’s fine.

Emotional Impact:

The knowledge gained from the Double Marker Test can have emotional implications for expectant parents. A positive result, even if it later turns out to be a false positive, may cause anxiety and stress during the waiting period for confirmatory tests. Likewise, a negative result may offer reassurance, but there is still a small chance of abnormalities not detected by the test.

डबल मार्कर टेस्ट इन प्रेगनेंसी

डबल मार्कर टेस्ट एक गर्भावस्था में महत्वपूर्ण स्क्रीनिंग है जो क्रोमोजोमल असमान्यताओं के खतरे की मूल्यांकन करती है। यह गैर-सर्जिकल और शीघ्र परिणाम देने वाली परीक्षा है, जिससे शिशु के स्वास्थ्य की प्रारंभिक जानकारी प्राप्त होती है।

Double marker test kaise hota hai?

डबल मार्कर टेस्ट एक गर्भावस्था स्क्रीनिंग प्रक्रिया है जो शिशु के च्रोमोसोमल समस्याओं की जांच करने के लिए की जाती है। यह एक नॉन-इनवेसिव टेस्ट है, जिसमें मातृक रक्त से एक नमूना लिया जाता है और उसमें कुछ मानक मार्कर्स की मात्रा का मूल्यांकन किया जाता है। नीचे दी गई हैं इस टेस्ट की कई चरण:

  • नमूना लेना:

डबल मार्कर टेस्ट को संचालित करने के लिए, आमतौर पर, गर्भावस्था के 8वें और 14वें सप्ताह के बीच मातृक रक्त से एक छोटा सा नमूना लिया जाता है।

  • मार्कर्स की मात्रा का मूल्यांकन:

नमूने में मौजूद कुछ मानक मार्कर्स, जैसे कि ह्यूमन कोरियनिक गॉनैडोट्रॉपिन (hCG) और प्रेग्नेंसी-एसोसिएटेड प्लाज्मा प्रोटीन-ए (PAPP-A), की मात्रा को मापा जाता है।

  • रिपोर्ट और विश्लेषण:

टेस्ट के परिणामों का विश्लेषण किया जाता है और एक प्राधिकृत मानक के खिलाफ मापा जाता है|

  • रिजल्ट्स की साझा करना:

इसके बाद, हेल्थकेयर प्रोवाइडर गर्भवती महिला के साथ रिजल्ट्स की साझा करता है, और यदि आवश्यक हो, वह और जांचों या टेस्टिंग की सलाह देता है।

(FAQ) on Double Marker Test in Pregnancy:

Answer: The double marker test is conducted during pregnancy to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, especially Down syndrome. It involves measuring specific markers in the mother’s blood to provide an early indication of potential fetal health issues.

Answer: A positive result in the double marker test indicates an increased likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities. However, it is not a definitive diagnosis. Further diagnostic tests, such as amniocentesis, may be recommended to confirm the findings.

Answer: No, the double marker test is not 100% accurate. It provides a probability or risk assessment for chromosomal abnormalities. False positives and negatives are possible, and further diagnostic tests may be recommended for confirmation.

Answer: The double marker test is typically performed between the 8th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. This timeframe allows for accurate assessment of potential chromosomal abnormalities.

Answer: Normal values for the double marker test may vary, but they generally fall within expected ranges for a healthy pregnancy. Consult your healthcare provider or the testing facility for specific reference ranges.

Answer: The NT (Nuchal Translucency) scan and the double marker test serve similar purposes in assessing fetal health but differ in methodology. The NT scan uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the baby’s neck, while the double marker test analyzes specific markers in the mother’s blood.

Answer: No, the double marker test is not designed to identify the gender of the fetus. Its primary purpose is to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, not determine the sex of the baby.


Alldred S, et al. (2015). Screening tests for Down syndrome in the first three months of pregnancy.
Facts about Down syndrome. (2019).
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018). Down syndrome.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020). First trimester screening.
Screening for Down syndrome. (n.d.).
Screening tests in the first 3 months of pregnancy. (n.d.). for test normal values FOR costs

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